Some children have high IQs and some have low IQs. So what are the methods to test children’s IQs?
There are two methods for measuring children's IQ: one is the screening method; the other is the diagnostic method. The main screening methods include the Denver Developmental Intellectual Screening Test, referred to as DDST, which is suitable for children before the age of six.
There is also the Human Drawing Test, which is suitable for screening the intelligence of children aged 5-12 years old. The diagnostic method is the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, which is suitable for screening the intelligence of children aged 6-16 years old. There is also the Chinese Wechsler Infant Intelligence Scale, which is suitable for children aged 4 to 6 and a half years old.
There is also the Geisel Infant Development Scale, which is suitable for intelligence screening of children aged 0-3 years old. Different methods can be selected according to the age of the child.