Marks from different sources that can distinguish similar products are product trademarks.
Commodity trademarks refer to the trademarks used by commodity producers on the goods they produce or operate. Product trademarks can be words, graphics, or combinations thereof that have a certain meaning or have no meaning at all. Like other trademarks, as long as it does not violate the prohibition clauses of the law, does not harm public morals or the interests of others, and has the distinctiveness of a trademark, it can become a commodity trademark.
Manufacturing trademarks, also known as industrial trademarks or production trademarks, refer to the trademarks used by product producers on their own products. This kind of trademark is mainly used to distinguish different producers of similar goods. Such as the "Tsingtao" beer trademark.
The purpose is to distinguish the goods produced by it from similar products produced by other companies, so as to facilitate the company's market competition, and also to share it with sellers who use its manufacturing trademark, which is conducive to enhancing customer A sense of trust in the manufacturer.
Sales trademarks, also known as commercial trademarks or promotional trademarks, refer to the trademarks used by sellers on the goods they sell. The use of sales trademarks indicates that the goods sold by the operator are carefully selected and represents the business reputation of the operator. Operators use sales trademarks to gain credibility and put their products in an advantageous position in market competition.
When a product uses both a manufacturing trademark and a sales trademark, the two trademarks on the product play the role of promoting the manufacturer and distributor respectively. This situation mostly reflects the good cooperative relationship between manufacturers and dealers.