Enterprises use more than two registered trademarks on a commodity, usually in the form of main trademarks and sub-trademarks. The use of primary and secondary trademarks is the trademark use strategy of enterprises. That is, with the main trademark unchanged, every time a new product or model is launched, another trademark is launched. Because of the high popularity of the main trademark, it can make it easier for consumers to accept and recognize the goods using the sub-trademark. Another example is the "Jing" wine of Wuliangye Group, the "Liuyang River" wine of Jiannanchun Group and the wines of "Jin Jiannan" and "Yin Jiannan".
What enterprises need to pay attention to here is that there are two forms to use more than two registered trademarks on the same commodity: one is to use two registered trademarks on the same commodity, just like using a single trademark, which can be marked with the R mark or not; The second is to use two or more registered trademarks in combination on the same commodity. In this case, either two trademarks are not marked with R mark, or two trademarks are marked with R mark respectively, but one trademark cannot be marked with R mark and the other is not marked with R mark.
Enterprises should also pay attention to the fact that the trademarks used in combination shall not make people misunderstand the combined trademarks, and shall not constitute an infringement of the trademark rights of others.
If you don't know the trademark registration process, you can go to the Trademark Office. They are service platforms for registered trademarks and design trademarks. I believe they can help you. Hope to adopt.