1 A trademark that has been rejected but is not yet invalid can be found out from the status in the trademark query on the specific day it was rejected.
2 If the trademark has been rejected but has passed the reexamination period without reexamination, the trademark will not show the rejection information on the China Trademark Network, but will only show that the trademark is invalid (there is no reexamination after being rejected. is just one of the many reasons why a trademark is invalid)
3 If the trademark has been rejected and a rejection review application has been submitted, you can see the specific date of rejection and the date of submission of review in the status query of the trademark query. Date, you can also see the rejection review process at the process in the lower left corner of the trademark in the comprehensive search.
If 4 has been rejected and a reexamination application for rejection has been submitted, and the reexamination application has been rejected again and the registration is not approved, the trademark will be displayed as invalid. At this time, it can only be seen in the lower left corner of the comprehensive trademark search. There is a word "rejection of review" in the process in the corner, but other than that, you will not see other information related to rejection of review.