High-speed trains and bullet trains can take vinegar on board, but they must be original sealed bottles or rafts. Bulk vinegar is not allowed to prevent leakage and pollution of trains. There are regulations on railway passenger trains that prohibit carrying dangerous goods on board. Although some items are not listed as dangerous goods in detail, as long as they may have hidden dangers to train safety, they will not pass the security check.
High-speed railway station security personnel have strict requirements on the articles carried by passengers, such as common inflammable and explosive dangerous goods, various pressure vessels and metal knives. It is forbidden to carry high-speed rail, and vinegar is a daily seasoning, not a prohibited item, and high-speed rail can be carried.
Precautions for taking the high-speed rail:
1, travel time
Pay attention to the concept of time when taking a bus. The stations along the way stop selling tickets 10 minutes before the train starts, and stop checking tickets 5 minutes before the high-speed train starts. Everyone should reserve enough time before boarding the train, because it takes time for the security check of the high-speed train and the random inspection of the tickets in real-name registration system.
2. Luggage items
The weight of luggage is also needed. Adults can only carry luggage under 20 kg, and children (including free children) are 10 kg. The sick car can be carried free of charge, which is not within the 20 kg range of free carry-on. In terms of volume, the sum of length, width and height shall not exceed 130 cm. If it exceeds the regulations, you should check it.
3, it is forbidden to carry items.
Dangerous goods, inflammable, explosive, toxic and corrosive substances or controlled knives are not allowed to be brought into the station.