In life, many clothes cannot be separated from dry cleaning. Many dry cleaning shops adopt the Internet dry cleaning shop model to provide consumers with 020 dry cleaning services. So friends who want to open a dry cleaning shop, do you know which trademark category the dry cleaning shop should register under?
Check from the trademark classification table that the dry cleaner should be registered in Class 37 Construction, Interior Decoration, Repair and Maintenance.
Dry cleaners should belong to group 3716-clothing, leather repair, protection, washing services
Dry cleaners belong to the clothing washing service category, which is the first group under the trademark classification. Thirty-seven major categories. 3716 Clothes and leather repair, protection and washing services, laundry and ironing 370010,
Clothing renovation 370022, clothing repair 370032, leather maintenance, cleaning and repair 370034, fur maintenance, cleaning and repair 370048
Cleaning clothes 370050, cleaning linens 370056, cleaning 370057, ironing clothes 370062, darning clothes 370075, ironing linens 370079,
Cleaning diapers 370102, dry cleaning 370103,
Washing machine rental 370135 Note: Leather maintenance, cleaning and repair, fur maintenance, cleaning and repair are similar to 4010 Leather trimming, tanning, leather dyeing, fur dyeing, fur glazing, fur anti-moth treatment to give the fur a satin luster.