Is it necessary to renew the trademark every year after registration?
is it necessary to renew a trademark every year after registration? The acquisition of a trademark right requires registration. A registered trademark is a commercial symbol used to distinguish goods and services from different sources. It consists of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional symbols, color combinations or combinations of the above elements. So do you need to renew the trademark every year after registration? Trademark registration fee is it necessary to renew the trademark every year after registration? No, a registered trademark is valid for 1 years. Where it is necessary to continue to use a registered trademark after its expiration, it shall apply for renewal of registration within 6 months before its expiration. If an application cannot be submitted during this period, there will be a six-month grace period. If no application is filed within the grace period, the Trademark Office will cancel it after the expiration. A fee of 2 yuan is required for each renewal application. If the application for renewal of registration is submitted within the grace period, 5 yuan's delay fee will also be paid. If it is entrusted to a trademark agency, the Trademark Office will deduct the fees from the advance payment of the trademark agency. After the successful application for trademark registration, you only need to pay the fee at the time of renewal, and there is no fee during the normal validity period. Of course, there is another case where the exclusive right to use a trademark is transferred to another patentee within the normal time limit, and the trademark transfer fee needs to be paid.