The procedure for applying for a registered trademark is as follows:
1. Trademark search query
Go to the China Trademark Network to check whether there are similar trademarks and confirm that there are no similar trademarks. Trademark, submit a trademark registration application.
2. Formal review
The formal review period will probably be completed within 3-4 weeks after the application is submitted. After passing the formal examination, the Trademark Office will issue a "Notice of Acceptance of Trademark Registration".
3. Substantive review stage
After the form review, the substantive review stage takes about one year. If it passes the substantive review, it will enter the announcement process, which is the so-called objection period, which lasts for about 3 months.
4. Specific review stage
After half a year of substantive review, check the trademark application details on the China Trademark Network. Eight months later, if the trademark is rejected, I will receive a "Notice of Trademark Rejection" and be informed of the detailed reasons for the rejection.
5. Trademark announcement
Two months later, the trademark has not been rejected, the Trademark Office has completed the review, and the Trademark Office officially announced it on the official website. After 5 months, the announcement period expires and there is no objection, the "Trademark Registration Certificate" is issued, and the trademark registration is completed.
Trademark registration process: /sbzc/