a trademark is a distinctive symbol of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, sounds and colors, or the combination of the above elements, which is adopted by the producers and operators of commodities on the commodities they produce, manufacture, process, select or distribute or the services provided by service providers, and is the product of modern economy. In the commercial field, trademarks, including words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs and color combinations, as well as the combination of the above elements, can be applied for registration as trademarks. The function of trademark: 1. It has the function of distinguishing the source of goods or services and guiding consumers to recognize the brand for shopping or consumption. 2, to promote producers or operators to continuously improve or stabilize the quality of products or services. 3. It is the foundation of enterprise brand, conducive to market competition and advertising, and a symbol of enterprise reputation and quality. 4. It is a very important part of the intangible assets of an enterprise. 5. It is a prerequisite for applying for national inspection exemption, well-known trademarks and quality certification. 6. Intellectual property rights can be transferred, joined and chained. 7. It can be used as a condition for enterprises to bid.
Legal basis
Article 8 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China Any sign that can distinguish the goods of natural persons, legal persons or other organizations from those of others, including words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations and sounds, and the combination of the above elements, can be applied for registration as a trademark.