1. Amazon Brand Flagship Store
The benefits of Amazon Brand Flagship Store are:
1) Strong brand strategy and brand affinity;
2) Rich content templates highlight product selling points;
3) Increase product exposure and drive traffic;
Amazon’s flagship brand store is a good example of marketing that uses showing instead of telling. Way. Design creative product launch campaigns using rich visual elements such as content blocks, animated photos, videos, and more. Each brand flagship store has its own URL, which can directly link various traffic to the store.
Additionally, Amazon Stores allow you to reach the maximum number of new and existing customers. Amazon Stores are not exclusive to the Amazon platform, you can use them in all marketing activities. Include it in your ads, press releases, social and owned platforms, or link to your YouTube channel or Instagram. Reaching new markets and audiences is easier and faster with a well-designed and well-branded storefront.
Why should traffic be directed to the Amazon store instead of Listing?
The store has a better brand immersive shopping experience. Through appropriate store design, it fully displays product usage scenarios and product types, increasing buyers’ purchasing desire and choice space, coupled with appropriate video display , take the brand value and design concept into the hearts of the people, improve the trust and quality assurance of the product, and the conversion rate of listing purchases through the buffer filtering of the store will inevitably increase.
In addition, the brand flagship store can also achieve many promotional purposes, such as new product promotion, product related sales, discount promotions, etc., and these functions will also be the functions of the brand flagship store. And the advantages are more obvious and irreplaceable.
An Amazon Store consists of one or more pages. Each page contains multiple content modules. Each Amazon flagship store can have 3 levels, and each level has rich page templates.
Schematic diagram of the components
The Amazon Brand Flagship Store contains three templates, which can quickly create pages through the default module page:
Combination display
Portfolio display creates a brand or sub-brand page from a group of products.
Showcase display
Showcase displays products and related content.
Product grid
Product grid displays a large number of products
The product grid template is suitable for sellers who already have a certain brand influence. The products are directly displayed on the consumer The combination display and showcase templates are more suitable for sellers who want to build brand awareness on the Amazon platform. Use this template to tell a brand story, brand characteristics and product value, and build an interactive bridge between the brand and buyers.
Example of content modules on Amazon Store:
Example of content modules
Each Amazon Store page is divided into modules. Amazon Brand Store content modules come in 4 sizes: full width, large, medium, and small. Each size supports the following module types:
Size Description
How do you measure Store performance?
The Stores dashboard contains various system-generated metrics for Stores, such as daily visitors, page views, and sales. If you promote Stores as part of an external marketing campaign, you can also add a tracking code to the URL to analyze the source of Store traffic.
2. Case analysis of TV brand flagship store
1) Schematic diagram of top composition:
Description of each part
As shown below, in order to support For various screen resolutions, up to 20% of space is reserved on either side of the title banner image. The maximum size of the banner image is 3000*600, and the safe area size is 1800*600.
Branding will cover a 400 x 400 image area. Any logo or text in the banner image must be in a safe area to prevent cropping.
Dimensional description
Examples of compliance with specifications
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
TCL did not use the brand trademark image, but in the main image who used it for you, Samsung and LG both strengthened the brand LOGO. Samsung's pure white background color is too dazzling and has a poor sense of boundaries.
2) Image module
Size requirements
The image module is rarely used in practice and is generally used to list product features for a product, as shown below.
Image module
3) Picture and text module
Size requirements
In practice, the frequency of use is medium, and the graphics and text are appropriately matched. Can vividly tell brand and product stories.
Graphic and text module
4) Video module
· The video module requires image and video files.
· Play full screen on mobile devices.
· Play inline on the desktop, with the option to expand to full screen.
· Link to Amazon flagship store page or product details page.
Video module size requirements
Video module
As shown in the picture above, it is not used alone, but is often used in conjunction with product modules to illustrate product features.
5) Product module
· Highlight a single product.
· Display price and basic status.
· Link to product details page.
· The product module can contain customized product names and descriptions.
Product module
Usually not used alone, but often in conjunction with videos and pictures.
6) Product Grid
· Display 4 to 100 products in a product grid.
· Product listings can be selected manually or based on search keywords.
· Display 4 products per row on PC and 2 products per row on mobile.
· Display product name, product image, price and star rating.
· Each product in the grid is linked to the product details page
The product grid
is used very frequently. It is used to display products and needs to be matched with the product. Theme usage.
7) Library
· The library can display up to 8 images or videos.
· Videos can be played on the desktop, with the option to expand to full screen.
It is a carousel image and its usage rate is not high.
8) Best-selling product module
· Displays the best-selling products of the brand.
· Display 4 half products at a time, up to 10
· If the brand does not have best-selling products, it will not be displayed.
· No setup required.
Bestseller list
9) Recommended product module
· Recommend brand products to shoppers based on previous shopping history.
· Display 4 half-products at a time, up to 10
· If there are no branded products recommended to the shopper, they will not be displayed.
· No setup required.
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