first, correctly distinguish the trademark name from the company name
Many people think that it is wrong to apply for a trademark after the company name is registered. The company name is regional, the trademark is national, and the scope of search before application is different, so the results must be different, and the company name may not be able to apply for a trademark name.
2. Don't use common and popular words when naming names
Nowadays, the number of trademark applications is very large, and many customers like to use popular words as trademark names to register, and the coincidence rate of such trademark names is very high. Judging from this year's applications, there is basically no brevity, and the public words are successfully registered separately, unless words are added in front to produce different meanings.
when using English names to register trademarks, it is difficult to successfully register individual words such as SUN, BLUE and MOON. In addition to the similarity of English, English trademarks should also be examined at the same time, and words with high occurrence rate can hardly pass. Therefore, it is suggested to use meaningless letter combinations in English applications. Or put letters in front of these words to form meaningless words.
3. Don't use words that indicate the performance or characteristics of the product
Also avoid using words commonly used in the industry and words that indicate the characteristics of the product when registering. For example, in the ninth category of electronic communication, many trademarks like to carry the word "pass"; The 25th category is clothing, while those who like to wear "beauty" and "good" are less distinguishable, so it is difficult to increase the passing rate of trademarks.
Fourth, avoid using function words
when naming names, function words such as "Zhi", "Si", "Te", "Er" and "Hu" will not increase the passing rate of trademarks, such as "Oriental Dragon" and "Oriental Dragon" trademarks, and the latter will generally fail to register because of the former.
V. Correct understanding of combined trademarks
First, many customers like to use Chinese and English combined trademarks or combined trademarks with graphics, but they don't know enough about combined trademarks. Many people often think that although English trademarks are similar, they can apply successfully by adding Chinese. But in fact, as long as one of the elements of a combined trademark constitutes an approximation, the whole trademark constitutes an approximation, for example, English approximation, which is indistinguishable even if Chinese is added, and the whole trademark will be rejected. The best solution is to apply separately, which is more flexible in use and reduces the risk of registration.