The fourth branch is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Bameng Jianshe Feng Farm in Wuyuan County, Bayannaoer City, Inner Mongolia, with urban and rural classification code 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 15082 1400504, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 15082 1. The postal code is 0 15000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0478 and the license plate number is Meng L. The fourth branch is adjacent to the fifth branch, the third branch, the sixth branch, the second branch, the seventh branch, the first branch, the eighth branch, the eleventh branch, the ninth branch and the tenth branch.
There are Bamei Lake Wetland Park in Inner Mongolia, Sida Ancient Temple, Qin Changcheng, Wuyuan Anti-Japanese Martyrs Cemetery, ancient tombs and other tourist attractions. There are Wuyuan wheat, Wuyuan sunflower, Wuyuan lantern red melon, Wuyuan yellow persimmon, sour porridge and other special products.