The registration of fried skewers trademarks usually involves the catering industry. The specific category of trademarks depends on the specific goods or services involved in the trademark. In the International Trademark Classification System (Nice Classification), trademarks related to catering may mainly belong to the following categories:
1. Class 29: Meat and meat products; eggs; dairy products; edible Grease and fat.
2. Class 30: coffee, tea, cocoa and substitutes; rice, flour and cereal products; pastries, candies; condiments; ice cream; salt, chili sauce.
3. Category 43: catering services; bar services; provision of fast food services; take-out restaurant services; pastry shop services; cafe services.
If the fried skewers trademark involves specific goods that provide fried skewers, it may be more inclined to Class 29 or Class 30; if it is a catering service that provides fried skewers, it may fall into Class 43. Specific classification recommendations are based on the specific goods or services involved in the trademark to ensure accurate trademark classification.
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