If the trademark registrant wants to extend the trademark after it expires, he needs to go through the renewal procedures in accordance with the regulations within twelve months before the expiration. If it is overdue, he can be given a grace period of up to six months. . Once approved by the Trademark Office, the trademark registrant will continue to have the exclusive right to use the trademark.
What are the conditions for applying for a registered trademark?
There are the following conditions for applying for a registered trademark:
1. The principle of good faith must be followed;
2 , be responsible for the quality of the goods using the trademark;
3. The trademark applied for must be distinguishable from other people’s goods;
4. The trademark must have distinctive features, be easy to identify, and It shall not conflict with the previously acquired legal rights of others.
Legal basis: Article 39 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
The validity period of a registered trademark is ten years, calculated from the date of approval of registration.
Article 40
If a registered trademark expires and needs to be continued to be used, the trademark registrant shall go through the renewal procedures in accordance with the regulations within twelve months before the expiration; here If the application cannot be processed within the period, a six-month extension period can be given. Each renewal of registration is valid for ten years, starting from the day after the expiration of the previous term of validity of the trademark. If renewal procedures are not completed upon expiration, the registered trademark will be cancelled.
The Trademark Office shall announce the renewal of registered trademarks.