Sausage is a very old food making and meat preservation technology, which refers to a long cylindrical tubular food made by grinding animal meat into mud and filling it with casing. There are many kinds of sausages in China with a long history, which are mainly divided into Sichuan sausages and Guangdong sausages. The main difference is that Cantonese food is sweet and Sichuan food is spicy. Sausages used to be cooked before the Spring Festival every year, but now they can be eaten all year round.
Western enema
Western enema, that is, smoked sausage, is the main product of sausage in cooked meat products. Cooked sausages with starch content below 10%, such as sausage, Viennese sausage, wieners, ham sausage and meat sausage, are made from livestock and poultry meat.
Smoked sausage: A cooked sausage meat product made from fresh and frozen livestock and poultry meat through dressing, curing (or not curing), mincing, adding auxiliary materials, stirring (or chopping), emulsifying (or not emulsifying), filling (or not filling), baking, cooking, smoking (or not smoking) and cooling. Raw meat must wait for the process.