The pinyin of Pepsi-Cola is bǎi shì kě lè.
Pepsi-Cola was born in the 1890s and was manufactured by Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist in North Carolina, USA. It is made of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, raw oil, pepsin and Made from cola nuts. The drug was originally used to treat gastric diseases and was later named "Pepsi" and registered as a trademark on June 16, 1903.
Later it gradually developed into a carbonated drink launched by PepsiCo of the United States and was also the main competitor of the Coca-Cola Company of the United States.
PepsiCo Beverage International Group is a world-renowned multinational company in the United States, with annual sales worldwide reaching US$27 billion.
In the 2001 "The Most Admired Companies in America" ??and "The Most Admired Companies in the World" surveys and rankings in various industries just announced by the US "Fortune" magazine, PepsiCo continues to be the "most admired company in the United States". "The Most Admired Company in the World and the United States" and ranked No. 1 in the beverage industry.
Cola refers to a sweet, caffeinated but non-alcoholic carbonated drink. The main flavors include vanilla, cinnamon, lemon flavor, etc. The name comes from one of the early ingredients of cola: kola nut extract. The most well-known cola brands are Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola.
Le’s main formula is public. To commemorate Coca-Cola's 100th birthday in 1986, Gustein named the new formula "7×100." The ingredients are sugar, carbonated water (carbon dioxide and water), caramel, phosphoric acid, caffeine, etc. It is this mixture of spices that gives Coke its unique taste.
After long-term research, European food experts believe that the composition of "7X" includes: extracts or extracts of vetch, ginger, mimosa, orange leaves, coca leaves, cinnamon and vanilla bark, etc. filter. The formula of Coca-Cola will not be exactly the same in different countries and regions, and the inclusion of local ingredients helps to adapt to the tastes of customers everywhere.