Of course, after receiving the trademark renewal application, the Trademark Office will not conduct a substantive examination in principle, but only whether the procedures for the trademark renewal application are complete, the trademark name and graphics, and the products using the trademark. , and review whether the name and address of the registrant have changed. After review, the Trademark Office will approve the application if it deems it to be in compliance with the regulations, notify the registrant in writing, issue a "Trademark Renewal Registration Approval Certificate", and make an announcement. When it is necessary to produce the Trademark Registration Certificate, it should be used together with the corresponding certificate. If it is considered to be inconsistent with the regulations, the Trademark Office will not allow the renewal and reject the trademark renewal registration application in writing. If the applicant is not satisfied with the Trademark Office’s rejection of the trademark renewal registration application, he or she may also apply for review; if the applicant is not satisfied with the review, Yes, you can file an administrative lawsuit.
The renewal of the trademark protection period granted by law is mainly based on the following two considerations:
1. The need to safeguard the interests of the trademark owner. In order to maintain and improve the goodwill of the trademark, the trademark owner has made long-term and continuous investment in product quality improvement, advertising, after-sales service, etc. If the trademark enters the public domain due to the expiration of the term, everyone can freely Use not only deprives the trademark owner of the interests, but also encourages unfair competition. 2. The need to safeguard consumer interests. If the trademark owner continues to use its registered trademark and improves the credibility of its registered trademark, it will inevitably enhance the distinguishing and indicating functions of the trademark and provide a strong guiding role for consumers to purchase goods and receive services. If renewal is not allowed, it will inevitably lead to confusion of goods or services and chaos in the order of market competition.
Legal basis: According to Article 40 of the Trademark Law: “If a registered trademark has expired and needs to be continued to be used, the trademark registrant shall apply for renewal in accordance with the regulations within twelve months before the expiration. If the registration is not completed within this period, a six-month extension period will be granted. The validity period of each renewal registration is ten years, starting from the day after the expiration of the previous validity period of the trademark. "The purpose of the renewal application is to keep the exclusive rights of the trademarks that have been obtained valid through the application, not to obtain the exclusive rights of the newly registered trademarks.