"kW?h" is the measurement unit of active electric energy, pronounced as kilowatt?hour. 1kW?h is commonly referred to as 1 kilowatt hour of electricity.
220V" is the rated voltage of the electric energy meter.
"5 (10) A" means that the basic current used by the electric energy meter is 5 amps and the rated maximum current is 10 amps. When the maximum current is exceeded, the measurement of the meter may be inaccurate.
"50Hz" means that the electric energy meter is used in an AC circuit with a frequency of 50 Hz.
"1200R/KW?h. "Indicates that the turntable of the electric energy meter rotates 1200 times for every 1 KW?h of electrical energy used.
"GB/T15283-94" indicates the national standard on which the electric energy meter is produced.
Active energy meter kW · h
Reactive energy meter kvar · h
The first letter S: three-phase three-wire T: three-phase four-wire X: reactive power B: standard Z : Maximum demand D: Single phase
The second letter F: Compound rate table S: Fully electronic D: Multi-function Y: Prepaid
Part 3: Design serial number : Arabic numerals
Part 4: Improved serial number: represented by lowercase Chinese Pinyin letters
Part 5: Derivative number T: for both wet and dry heat TH: for wet and tropical areas G: For plateau use H: For general use F: For chemical anti-corrosion; K: Switch plate type J: Pulse electric energy meter with receiver
It is also marked with ① or ②, ① represents the accuracy of the electric energy meter It is 1, or it is called a level 1 meter; ② means that the accuracy of the electric energy meter is 2, or it is called a level 2 meter.
It is also marked with the standard code, manufacturer, trademark and factory number used by the product.