The past participle of know is known, which means known; seen; heard; experienced. The past tense of know is know.
Know word analysis
1. Deformation:
Adjective: knowable
Noun: knower
Present participle : knowing
Third person singular: knows Usage of know
v. (verb)
1) The basic meaning of know is "know" "know" "Hearing and hearing" refers to knowing something directly, and it can also mean "understanding, understanding", which refers to acquiring knowledge through experience or teaching.
2) Know can be used as both an intransitive and a transitive verb. When used as a transitive verb to mean "know, understand", it can be followed by nouns, pronouns, verb infinitives with interrogative words, that or clauses introduced by interrogative words as objects, or "(to be/ as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ” or the infinitive of the verb serves as the compound object of the complement.
When using "know, understand", you can use a noun representing a person or thing as an object. know can be used with passive structures. When know is followed by to be as an object complement, to be can often be omitted. However, when the time expressed by to be is earlier than the time expressed by know, the perfect infinitive must be used and cannot be omitted.
3) In conversational answers, if the object of know represents the entire fact (such as that-clause), the object can be omitted; if the object of know is a specific thing, it is usually replaced by it Of.