Xtep has formally applied for the trademark of Xtep. What is Xtep's current business situation? 1. What is the operating status of Xtep brand?
Xtep brand can be said to be accompanied by our growth, which can be seen everywhere in our growth process. We can see Xtep stores in the streets and alleys of the city, and the people who come to Xtep stores are basically young people who love sports. Xtep brand still has a certain weight in the minds of young people, because it represents the life philosophy and pursuit of young people, and Xtep has always been mainly sportswear. Therefore, it is also very suitable for young people's energetic and positive living conditions. Therefore, Xtep's operating conditions have maintained very good performance for many years, and Xtep often invites some well-known stars to promote its products, so its sales performance is by going up one flight of stairs. Second, why does Xtep want to register a trademark that it refuses to accept?
Xtep is not satisfied with the registration. This trademark is actually of great significance. First of all, Xtep represents the choice of young people, so his advertising is aimed at young people to a great extent. The trademark is not only unforgettable, but also can express the attitude of young people towards life, which fits the youthful and indomitable mentality of young people, so it will be praised by many young consumers, and the sales of products will be greatly improved. Third, can this trademark bring benefits to the brand?
I don't agree with this trademark, which makes people feel stubborn and unyielding. We can see such mental outlook everywhere in young people now. If we are young people, we are easily moved by such propaganda words. Once we get the buzz from consumers, we don't have to worry about the sales of this product. Moreover, Xtep also takes into account the novelty and uniqueness of this trademark when applying for this trademark. And it also continues some shadows of Xtep brand, so on the basis of the original consumers, it will increase a large number of people who are more sought after by the brand, so the benefits brought to the brand are immeasurable. I believe that if Xtep refuses to accept this brand soon, it will occupy the consumer market of young people and become a trend.