After obtaining trademark registration, the trademark registrant can use the registered trademark on his own, on goods, product packaging or containers, commodity transaction documents, or in advertising, exhibitions and other commercial activities, or in Registered trademarks can be transferred, licensed, and pledged. If it is discovered that others are suspected of infringing on the exclusive right to use a registered trademark, the trademark registrant may request the market supervision and administration department to handle the matter or file a lawsuit in the People's Court. However, there are certain restrictions on the use of trademarks: 1. Trademark registrants are not allowed to use registered trademarks and registered marks on goods or services that have not been approved for use. 2. If others properly use the common name, graphics, model of the goods contained in the registered trademark, or directly indicate the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity and other characteristics of the goods, or the place names contained in the registered trademark; the three-dimensional trademark is used legitimately. The registrant cannot prohibit others from using the registered trademark if it is a shape resulting from the nature of the product itself, or a shape of the product that is necessary to obtain technical effects, or a shape that makes the product of substantial value. 3. If someone else uses a trademark that is identical or similar to the registered trademark on the same or similar goods before the trademark is registered, and it has a certain influence, the user can continue to use it within the original scope of use, and the registrant cannot prohibit it. The user's usage behavior, but the user can be required to make distinctive use of the registered trademark by adding appropriate logos.