1. The background must be uniform pure white, and there can be no other colors, patterns or words.
2. The product pictures should be clear, and there are no factors that adversely affect the visual effect, such as blur, burr, shadow and color difference.
3. The position of the product on the white background should be centered, and it should not deviate from the center of the picture.
4. The product picture should not be tilted, misplaced or over-compressed, but should present the original proportion and shape.
5. The product picture must be in high definition, and the recommended pixel is larger than 8x8.
6. The product pictures must be shot or illustrated, and no templates or designs copied from others are allowed.
7. No watermark or any trademark, trademark name, brand name, company name, website name, etc. can appear on the product picture.
8. The product pictures must meet the requirements of laws, regulations and relevant national standards, and there must be no content that infringes on the rights and interests of others or violates social morality.