Does the trademark name conform to the company's corporate culture and philosophy?
To determine the type of trademark registration, the trademark name must be prominent.
Before registration, check the trademark name to see if it has been registered.
Generic words, descriptive trademarks and suggestive trademarks are prohibited.
Well-known trademarks can't get away with it, and they will get into a lawsuit.
You can't use names that are too abstruse for consumers to understand.
Trademark name should not be too long, 3-4 words is best.
Here are some names to recommend. Of course, it's good for you to use your own brain.
1. A better life
I just inquired about the trademark of this kind of shoes on Baidu. But I haven't. Register as soon as possible if you like. I think it is too vivid and suitable for footwear products. It is not only easy to remember, but also wishes the life and career of manufacturers, operators and users. It should be a good brand name.
It means to fly, and it also means to be concise, vivid, easy to remember, popular, popular and fashionable, which includes the multiplicity of naming. More innovative and creative.