The object of intellectual property is the so-called object of intellectual property, the object of intellectual property protection or the object of intellectual property. Different from the object of real right, the object of real right is a concrete thing, that is, a tangible thing that can be perceived by human sensory organs and controlled by people. The object of intellectual property is intellectual achievement and an intangible spiritual wealth. Intellectual achievements have no material form, do not occupy a certain space, and are intangible property that people can't see, touch and control objectively.
Characteristics of intellectual property object:
The characteristics of intellectual property rights can be summarized as follows:
(1) Intangible property right.
(2) Confirmation or award must be directly stipulated by special national legislation.
(3) Duality: both the nature of some personal rights (such as the right to sign) and the content of property rights. But the trademark right is an exception, it only protects property rights, not personal rights.
(4) Appropriateness: Intellectual property belongs exclusively to the subject of rights. Without the consent of the creditor or special provisions of the law, no one except the creditor may enjoy or use this right.
(5) Regionality: Intellectual property rights recognized and protected by a country's laws have legal effect only within the country.
(6) Timeliness: the law stipulates a certain period of protection for intellectual property rights, and intellectual property rights are valid within the statutory period.