However, due to the particularity of color, consumers in the market often don't regard color as a sign to distinguish the place of origin, and don't recognize color as a trademark unless it is a special case. This leads to the inherent distinctiveness of trademarks with only color as the constituent element, which is relatively weak compared with other traditional types of trademarks. In general, color combination trademarks need to be used for a long time to obtain distinctive features. When examining a color combination trademark, the Trademark Office may issue an examination opinion, requiring the applicant to submit evidence of use, and explain the remarkable features obtained by using the trademark. Therefore, only after long-term use, the color combination trademark can be associated with a specific product producer or service provider in the eyes of consumers, and can pass the significant review.
First, determine a relatively fixed color combination. Try to choose two or more colors and use them in a certain arrangement.
Secondly, color matching should avoid confusion. In the early promotion and use, the selected TINT should avoid being the same as or similar to the TINT used by competitors in the same industry.
Third, promote color combinations as trademarks. Carry out long-term and extensive publicity on the use of TINT, and establish a specific connection between bicycles and this TINT in the hearts of consumers. In the process of publicity, not only the general publicity, but also the prominent publicity of TINT.