No. Unless the product you purchased has quality problems. Applications can be submitted online. Then replace or return it. Also it's not necessary. Because the anti-counterfeiting label is designed to allow consumers to distinguish the genuine from the fake when purchasing. Avoid buying fake products. so what. First: If you know it is genuine. Anti-counterfeiting signs may or may not be present. second. This online merchant should not sell fake products. At least I dare not know what is fake and sell fake ones.
As long as there is no problem with use, there is no need to refill it. Say it again. Anti-counterfeiting labels have extraordinary significance for enterprises. So the management is very strict. Anti-counterfeiting labels are one product and one code. It is already affixed when leaving the factory, and it is impossible to add another one to you.
It’s not advertising to anyone. Personal opinion. For reference only.