Red wine should be poured 1/3.
When pouring wine, the glass must be placed on the table. Wrap the bottle with mouth cloth, with your right foot in front and your left foot behind, and your right hand under the bottle 1/3. The trademark should be rushed to the guest, and the mouth cloth should be held in the left hand. When pouring wine, wipe the bottle mouth with the mouth cloth of your left hand every time to prevent the wine from dripping on the guests.
Giving gifts with wine is a traditional etiquette of the Tu people. As long as they knew that the guests were coming, the Turks had already prepared wine sets and waited at the village entrance. Whether walking, taking a bus or taking a bus, we should propose three glasses of wine to each guest. According to them, this is dismount wine. Surrounded by them, the guests were led to the door, and another group of people blocked the way and raised their glasses to pour wine for the door. When the guests sat down on the kang covered with red wool felt, the handsome smiling Turkish girl came to the guests with wine, which was called auspicious wine. Then, three meals were served. Usually the first course is strong tea with green salt and snacks like watermelon-sized "hole-pot steamed buns"; The second course is milk tea and oil cake; The third is noodles or noodles. At this point, the host and guest sat cross-legged and talked and laughed. The housewife served a fried noodle basin carved with butter, which contained delicious mutton slices, a small steel knife and a hip flask with a pinch of white wool for the guests to drink, and then sang a wonderful toast song, which made the guests feel extremely warm and enthusiastic. After the banquet, when the guests thank them and leave, when they are about to leave, the host will also hold three glasses of wine for the guests, which is called horse wine. Turks believe that the more wine guests drink, the more warm the atmosphere of the dinner, and the more glorious the host will feel, which is a sign of their thoughtful and successful hospitality. The host is also very tolerant of people who can't drink. Guests only need to dip their ring finger in wine and play it in the air three times to show their respect for the host, and the host will be satisfied.