Heze trademark transfer
There are only two ways to transfer the trademark of Heze. One way is to go to the Beijing Trademark Office directly. Here you need to find the trademark and the holder. The second way is to go through the agency platform. This way is suitable for those who have not found a good trademark, and you can choose a trademark on the platform again, and it will help you contact the holder to give the customer the right price. Then here we recommend Bajie to explain the trademark transfer process. Heze trademark transfer instructions: 1. If you transfer a registered trademark to others, you should go to the Trademark Office for the transfer of the registered trademark. 2. Where the exclusive right to use a trademark is transferred due to enterprise merger, merger or restructuring, it shall go through the formalities for the transfer of a registered trademark at the Trademark Office. 3. Where the exclusive right to use a trademark is transferred according to a court decision, the transfer formalities shall also be handled. 4. When transferring a trademark, you need to transfer the similar trademark at hand. Heze trademark transfer process: 1. What materials need to be prepared? Transfer the valid certificates of both parties (individuals are copies of ID cards and licenses of individual industrial and commercial households, and the company provides copies of business licenses. Signature or seal of copy); ? When both parties transfer the contract, they can go to the website of the Trademark Office to find the template of the transfer contract, sign and seal it, and notarize it with a notarized certificate; ? Transfer application form (you can go to the station to download the book form or consult our customer service); ? If there is an agency at the time of initial application, a power of attorney signed by the transferee is required. 2. Transfer time: Generally, it takes 6-1 months for documents to be issued without objection. However, it can be used 3 days after the transfer of the trademark by Bajie Agency. 3. Announcement of the application for obtaining the license through the agency: The Trademark Office will issue an announcement after examination and approval, and the agent will send the Trademark Registration Certificate to the transferee of the transferred trademark.