Polling station, support distribution station, and result quick report station.
ァニメトーナメントスレ 2007.
It is said that the first round of World War I in Xiaocui has not yet turned. If you want to help her, you'd better help her before the day she plays (including that day).
An overview of the grouping situation in this war
. nyud . net:8090/2007/08/group list . html
Japanese website in 2007: the cutest animated voting.
The cutest work in animation in 2007
List of work classification roles (with resume)
. sakura.ne.jp/saimoe/
Feng Lufu confirms you-check whether you can reply in 2ch-
Universal upload program
http://www 106 . sakura . ne . jp/~ vote code/a07u list . html