The position of female officials is higher than that of palace ladies, but they are still handmaids who serve the emperor and other concubines, and are mainly responsible for managing the food, clothing, housing and transportation of various handmaids and emperors. Not every maid-in-waiting can be a female official To be a female official, you must meet two requirements: first, you must be beautiful. Beauty is a hard requirement, and anyone will be happier when they see something beautiful. Second, there is a certain talent. Due to the requirements of the post, female officials should have certain management ability, manage those maids in an orderly way, and also have the ability to write poems and songs. After all, the place of service is the palace, which is a place where politics and culture are highly concentrated.
Although it meets the requirements of being a female official, there are also levels of female officials. The promotion system of levels is the same as our modern promotion according to business ability, but there is one exception, that is, it is possible to directly change from a female official to a concubine. That is, the emperor took a fancy to it and served it. Female officials often go in and out of the emperor's bedroom and take charge of the emperor's daily life. If they can be appreciated by the emperor for their beauty and excellent talents, they are likely to be asked to work for the emperor. If they are comfortable to serve the emperor, or are directly pregnant with a dragon fetus, they will be directly appointed as concubines by the emperor.
Due to the possibility of a sparrow becoming a phoenix, the competition between female officials in the palace is as fierce as that between imperial concubines, but there are also risks. Their highest goal is to be favored by the emperor, but in the harem, the emperor's concubines will try their best to reduce the possibility of female officials being favored. Even if they are favored, they will find this reason to punish female officials after being favored, but the emperor will not care. The emperor has had enough fun, and there is still a lot waiting for him. In fact, the chances of being lucky enough to have a dragon fetus overnight are very small. Even with those concubines, the prince will not be born safely. If you are not born well, you will be tortured or put in limbo. It's really worse than death.