1, different applicants. The trademark is applied by the Trademark Office, and the copyright is registered by the Copyright Registration Center of China.
2. The objects of protection are different. The acquisition of trademark rights in China must fulfill the trademark registration procedure and implement the principle of first application. The Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) stipulates that a trademark approved by the Trademark Office is a registered trademark, and the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law. Copyright is generally generated automatically without going through some special procedures. According to the Copyright Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), Chinese citizens, legal persons and unincorporated organizations regard the completion of a work rather than the publication of the work as the symbol of copyright.
3. The protection period is different. The term of a trademark is limited to 10 years, and it needs to be renewed after 10 years. After copyright registration, the protection period is 50 years before and after the author's death.
4. Different objects. A trademark is a trademark itself that distinguishes different operators of the same commodity or service and indicates the quality of the commodity or service. Copyright is the protection of originality such as writing, music, art and scientific creation.
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