The umbrella trademark belongs to the 1804 group in the18 trademark category, and it is also a related product group that needs to be selected when registering the umbrella trademark.
For buyers and merchants who need umbrella trademarks, the purchase process is as follows:
1. Select a trademark.
Choose a trademark on Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Transfer Online or contact customer service for recommendation to determine the transaction price and legal status of the trademark.
2. Advance payment.
The buyer pays the corresponding amount for the determined trademark and signs a trademark purchase agreement with the platform.
3. Trademark notarization.
The platform accepts the agent entrusted by the buyer to assist the buyer in trademark notarization, which is generally completed within 3-5 working days.
4. Submit relevant information.
The platform transmits the advanced trademark information provided by the seller to the buyer, signs a transfer agreement contract with the trademark transfer parties, and submits it to the Trademark Office for trademark transfer procedures. After obtaining the trademark certificate, the buyer can officially use the trademark.
5. Wait for the Trademark Office to verify and issue a certificate.
The process of trademark transfer is usually: application, acceptance, examination, publication and issuance of the Certificate of Trademark Approval and Transfer, which generally takes about 6- 10 months, but it is expected to be shortened in the future. The process of trademark transfer, also known as trademark transfer, will be accompanied by platform customer service staff until the buyer receives the trademark transfer approval certificate issued by the Trademark Office.
The above is a description of the classification of umbrella trademarks and the transfer process of umbrella trademarks.