[Bu Cheng] boxing lt; English: boxinggt;
[Bu Jia] agent lt; English: brokergt;
[Popularity] Popularity, popularitylt; Japanese: 人気gt;
[Diao Shi] (Before the end of tennis and other games) equal score. Also known as Diushi or Diao Shilt; English: deucegt;
[Li Xingji] Laiheng Chickenlt; English: Leghorngt;
Three Paintings
[ Sandwich] Sandwich, sandwich bread<; English: sandwichgt;
[Salmon] Salmon, hemp (horse) salmonlt; English: salmongt;
[Cognac] French Cognac Brandy produced locally in Cognac, French brandy, Cognac brandylt; English: cognacgt;
[SCO] Scorelt; English: scoregt;
[Shilujia] Colorful billiards, snooker (billiards). Also used as Shilujia lt; English: snookergt;
[Shitarda] (fluorescent lamp) starter. Also known as Shitar; English: startergt;
[Shidan] 1. Stamp 2. Seal, seallt; English: stampgt;
[Shidian furnace] Steam boiler lt; British: steam boilergt;
[Shibi] backup, sparelt; British: sparegt;
[Shibi] Spare tire. Commonly used to describe the fat on a person's waist and abdomenlt; English: spare tire;
[Shibo shirt] sports shirtlt; English: sport shirtgt;
[Shi's] walking stick, crutchlt; English: stickgt;
[Shidiqiu] Fried beef cubeslt; English: steak cubegt;
[Shiduo] shop, store, grocery storelt; English: storegt;
[storeroom] storage room lt; English: storeroomgt;
[storeberry] strawberry lt; English: strawberrygt;
[ Spanner] spanner, wrench, spannerlt; English: spannergt;
[Spaner] shellac paintlt; English: shellacgt;
[Spanner] potassium cyanide lt; English: potassium cyanidegt;
[fork] charge. Use examples: fork electric appliances, fork electric applianceslt; English: chargegt;
Four paintings
[Six Sigma] Six Sigmalt; English: Six Sigmagt;
[ Tenna water] thinner, solventlt; English: thinnergt;
[Tempura] Japanese food, fish, shrimp, green peppers, bamboo shoots, etc. dipped in batter and deep-friedlt; Japanese: Tian Fulu gt;
[Original paper] checklt; English: checkgt;
[Split lip] Function, function, activitylt; English: functiongt;
[Morse] See [Morse]
[Bi Gao] Over-water bagels (dough rolls boiled in boiling water and then baked)lt; English: bagelgt;
[Bi Gao] Guinea] Bikini <; English: bikini;
[Chi] Check, check. Use example: feet lt; British: checkgt;
[Bar] Obstacle, roadblock, railing.
Use example: barrier (railing at the entrance and exit) lt; English: barriergt;
[bus] bus, car, passenger car. Also known as Pasteurized; English: busgt;
[Pasteurized] Pasteurized by the Pasteur method and sterilized by heat sterilization; English: pasteurizedgt;
[Balada] Brother. Also known as batal; English: brothergt;
[Paraffin] Paraffin; English: paraffingt;
[Paris hat] beret (a flat cap) lt ;English: barrelgt;
[Percent] One percent, percentage point. Usage example: Thirty percent centslt; English: percentgt;
[Tamako Tofu] Egg tofu (steamed by adding eggs to unsolidified tofu) lt; Japanese: Tamagotofu;
[Croquette] Croquettes, croquettes; French: Croquette;
[Cologne] Cologne; English: Cologne water;
[Boobo] The collective name of bourgeois and Bohemian; English: bobogt;
[Bubo] plum, plum, plum; English: plumgt;
[Buffy] buffet lt; English: buffetgt;
[Pudine] pudding (a Western snack made of milk, eggs, fruits, etc.) lt; English: puddinggt;
[Dalanmo] (DC) generator lt; English: dynamogt;
[Daling] Beloved lt; English: darlinggt;
[Derby] Derby (a race only allowed for three-year-old horses to participate in, named after it originated from Derby in England). Also called lt; English: Derbygt;
[card] (train) carriage. Use examples: meal card, cargo cardlt; English: cargot;
[cassette player] cassette recorderlt; English: cassettegt;
[cassette] 1. Cast ; English: castgt; 2. Grade, level; top grade, high-end, tastefullt; English: classgt;
[kara] colorlt; English: colourgt;
[Kaqu ] Jacket, short coatlt; English: car coatgt;
[Cartoon] Cartoons, comicslt; English: cartoonongt;
[Kaba] Grilled marinated meat skewerslt; English: kebabgt;
[Jiabardine] gabardinelt; English: gabardinegt;
[Shilujia] see [Shilujia]
[廻] varnish lt; English: lacquergt;
[miss] (camera) shutter. Also for studio playing lt; English: shuttergt;
[仙] cents. Also called fairylt; English: centgt;
[Tafia] Tafia, a rum wine produced in the West Indieslt; English: tafia / taffiagt;
[Tama Gechi] (electronic toys) pet eggs, naughty eggslt; Japanese: たまごっちgt;
[Tom Yum Goong] (Thailand) hot and sour shrimp souplt; Tai:?gt;
[Winter dumpling] Donut donuts.
Also known as Dudult; English: doughnutgt;
[Silau] seallt; English: sealgt;
[Milkshake] milk ice creamlt; English: milk shakegt;
[ounce] ounce, Yingliang, 啕lt; English: ouncegt;
[Ange] One more, play (sing) againlt ; English: encoregt;
[Millimeters] mmlt; English: millimetergt;
[Style] Swing dancelt; English: shakegt;
[Ji Sir] courage, couragelt; English: gutsgt;
[custard powder] milk custard (frozen) powderlt; English: custard powdergt;
[custard] milk Egg paste (frozen) lt; English: custardgt;
[Gillette] Schnitzel, cutletlt; English: cutletgt;
[Jif] Off-road vehicle, jeeplt; English: jeepgt;
[Delicious Snake Fruit] An apple produced in the United States, referred to as Snake Fruit lt; British: Deliciousgt;
[Digoxin] Isohydroxydigitoxin Glycosidelt; English: digoxingt;
[Sirloin] Beef upper loin meat, steaklt; English: sirloingt;
[西路风] Xylophonelt; English: xylophonegt;
[西多] Also known as Western toast. See [French Toast]
[Gray Toast] Fuse. Also a watchman lt; English: fusegt;
[Trust] Trust, corporate alliance lt; English: trustgt;
[Tulin] trumpet. Also known as Turin Bilt; English: trumpetgt;
[Cookie] cookielt; English: cookie, cookygt;
[Qu Tan] Cokelt; English: cokegt ;
[合PI] happy, happylt; English: happygt;
[Chocolate] chocolatelt; English: chocolategt;
[Dispatch] see [Diao Shi]
[Toast] toast, toastlt; English: toastgt;
[Toaster] bread oven, toast electric stovelt; English: toastergt;
[saxophone] saxophonelt; English: saxophonegt;
[satin] satinlt; English: satingt;
[margin felt ] See [Mazhen]
[Margin] 1. Margin, deposit; profit<; English: marginingt; 2. Merchant<; English: merchantgt;
[Marginage Pavilion ] Saleslt; English: marketinggt;
[SARS] Severe acute respiratory syndrome.
Also known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; English: SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome);
[Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome] (Japanese) sake; Japanese: さけgt;
[Salad] Cold salad Lettuce, salad, saladlt; English: saladgt;
[Sardane] see [Sardane]
[Sardine] Sardinelt; English: sardinegt;
[Sandpaper] Police officer, sergeantlt; English: sergeantgt;
[Sandpaper] Graduation certificate, certificatelt; English: certificategt;
[Cold] 1. Wool, camel hair; cardigan, sweater. Usage example: cold shirt lt; method: lainegt; 2. (1) Circle. Use example: Chill out (go in a circle) lt; English: roundgt;
[Tuna] Tuna, tunalt; English: tunagt;
[Man] (Computer ) monitorlt; English: monitorgt;
[Cheese] cheese, cheese, cheeselt; English: cheesegt;
[Cracker] biscuitlt; English: crackergt;
[Che Lizi] Cherrylt; English: cherrygt;
[Car Captain] The driver and conductor on the buslt; Japanese: Drivergt;
[福士] Posture, attitudelt; English: posegt;
[福士卡] Postcardlt; English: post cardgt;
[No] Foullt; English: foulgt;
[fulu] Success by luck; carelessness, sloppiness. Also written as Fu Lu lt; English: flukegt;
[Batch] 1. Pie, pie. Use example: apple batch lt; English: piegt; 2. (Italian) baked pie lt; English: pizzagt;
[Kuailao] Folder, file, file, dossier. Also used as fast worklt; English: filegt;
[Quick handle] fiber, chemical fiber clothlt; English: fiber, fibregt;
[See Lianwan] quininelt; English : quininegt;
[It] Vanilla. Also used as mixed noodle and vanilla; English: vanillagt;
[唔] 1. Tie, bow tie; English: tiegt; 2. Tire, car tire; English: tire, tyregt;
[Bar] Barlt; English: bargt;
[Bar King] Bar bartenderlt; English: bar kinggt;
[Gu Gu] Coco . Also spelled glt; English: cocoagt;
[Downturn] depression, sluggishness, sluggishness; Japanese: downturn gt;
[Free treatment] cut (chop, twist, chop) ) Minced <; English: mincegt;
[无文] (beef loin) tender meat slices [Cream] Cream, butterfatlt; English: creamgt; [Age] A dance performed in nightclubs. Also known as Love Brother lt; French: à gogo / à go-gogt; 八画 [French Toast] Lightly fried bread slices dipped in milk and eggs. Often abbreviated as West Toast, West Toast; English: French toastgt; [Park] Park (car, airplane, etc.) lt; English: parkgt; [Puff] (Cream) waffleslt; English: puffgt; [baking powder] baking powder, baking powderlt; English: powdergt; [wave] balllt; English: ballgt; [Boss] jersey, sportswearlt; English: ball shirtgt; [Boss] boss, boss, foremanlt; English: bossgt; [wave field] dance halllt; English: ball roomgt; [wave] black beerlt; English: portergt; [wave] float cock, float valvelt ;English: ball cockgt; [波波] sneakerslt;English: ball bootgt; [Ye Leng] Used goods, selling used goods. It got its name from the situation when the host shouted the price loudly during the auction of goods. This kind of goods is also called "cold goods". Use example: night cold shop, night cold businesslt; English: yelling; one said it originated from Portuguese leil?o, first introduced into Malay and became lelang, and then introduced into Cantonese from Hokkien; [Blocks] See [Greys] [Fin] Fund. Use case: Finlao (Investment Fund Manager) lt; English: fundgt; [Hua Shiling] Petrolatum, Vaselinelt; English: vaselinegt; [Hua Chen] Appearance, Way, pattern. Also used as flowerlt; English: fashiont; [Flower paper] summons, arrest warrantlt; English: warrantgt; [Peanut Show] fashion showlt; English: fashion showgt ; [Parfait] See [Puff] [Parfait] parfait, ice creamlt; French: parfaitgt; [Chevalier] case , eventlt; English: casegt; [Boycott] boycott, joint boycottlt; English: boycottgt; [Amoeba] Amoeba, amoebalt; pull: amoebagt; [Aspirin] Aspirinlt; German: Aspiringt; [Aspiringt] Sir, teacherlt; English: sirgt; [ ASEAN] Asian lt; English: Asiagt; [Tattoo] Tattoo lt; Japanese: Tattoo gt; [Sashimi] Sashimi lt; Japanese: Sashimi gt; p> [Kiwifruit] (Chinese) kiwi fruitlt; English: kiwi fruitgt; [Amalia] Omelet, scrambled egglt; English: omelet, omelettegt; [拉记] Library (拉: Provincial translation of English library; 记: symbol, mark, because it is often used in shops and business names, Hong Kong people use it as a "suffix", and it is used with the names of shops (or Its provincial name) is used together to refer to places that are familiar to both parties) lt; English: librarygt; [Lashi] Finally, the end. Also known as Lashilt; English: lastgt; [Lasso] coal phenol soap solution, Lysol, Lysollt; English: lysolgt; [Laschen] license , licenselt; English: licensegt; [拉 handle] librarylt; English: librarygt; [Lakuo] 1. Life, lifelt; English: lifegt; 2 . living, alive; animated; live broadcastlt;English: livegt; [Rally] Autocross racinglt;English: rallygt; [Balan Ground] Brandylt; English: brandygt; [拋] Order (unit of paper quantity) lt; English: reamgt; [Toffee] Toffee, toffeelt ; English: toffeegt; [Pat] see [Paina] [Pis] locationlt; English: placegt; [Pizza] (Italian) baked pielt; British: pizzagt; [The Beatles] (British) The Beatles. Also known as Beatleslt; English: Beatlesgt; [fruit account] Jamlt; English: jamgt; [Green] (golf course) final playing area (ball) The area within thirty yards around the hole) lt; English: greengt; [Gu] Cushion, cushion, back cushion. Also known as Guchen lt; English: cushiongt; [Guri] strong worker, coolie. Also known as Guli, Gulilt; English: cooliegt; [Gudi] cocktaillt; English: cocktailgt; [Minke] Minklt; English: minkgt; [] 1. (Police) patrol. Use example: OK, double (double patrol) 2. (music) beat. Use example: beat (can't keep up with the beat, the beat is disordered) lt; English: beatgt; [厹宝] labellt; English: labelgt; [Curry Brown] Temporary, Extras. Also known as eggplant; English: carefreegt; [Campari] cranberry, cranberry, cranberrylt; English: cranberrygt; [story] Story, legendlt;Day: Storygt; [Forcing force] Brake, brake, brake. Also used as force lt; English: brakegt; [taxi] taxi, taxi lt; English: taxigt; [disco] nightclub, discotheque. Also called taxi <; English: discogt; [taxi qualified] nightclub, discothequelt; English: discothequegt; [really cool] polyester; polyester fabric, really good lt; English: dacrongt; [fat guy] failed, also abbreviated as fatlt; English: failgt; [weekly] chowderlt; English: chowdergt; p> Nine Paintings [Qiaxi] Offside (in football). Also known as Guxi lt; English: offsidegt; [Paishi] Passport. Also known as sender's bowl lt; English: passportgt; [Party] gathering lt; English: partygt; [Pana] partner, partner. Also used as pat lt; English: partnergt; [room beat] see [missed] [shirt] 1. Shirt. Use example: T-shirt lt; English: shirtgt; 2. (Basketball) shooting. Usage examples: shirt wavelt; English: shootgt; [shirt hair] Make your hair into a wavy shapelt; English: setgt; [mini] The smallest of its kind, Micro, small. Use examples: mini skirt, mini moon cakelt; English: minigt; [神沙] Changelt; English: changegt; [Jumbo Machine] Large jet airlinerlt; English: jumbo jetgt; [Jumbo jetgt] Cashmere, cashmere fabrics, cashmere, cashmerelt; English: cashmeregt; [Jumbo jetgt] Cash, cashlt; English: cashgt ; [Eggplant Coffee] See [Curry Coffee] [Koda] order (order) purchase; order (order) purchase order; order; order; order; sequence , orderlt; English: ordergt; [Ke Lao] Oral examination, orallt; English: oralgt; [Chacha] (from South America) Cha Cha dancelt; English: cha-chagt; [Weishi] Waste cotton yarn (used for wiping machines)lt; English: wastegt; [Weishi] Whiskey and soda waterlt; English: Provincial translation of whiskey sodagt; [Wei] metal wire, steel wire ropelt; English: wiregt; [Wafer] crispbreadlt; English: wafergt; [Crisis] Mesh fabrics, floral fabrics, lace, ribbons. Also known as lacelt; English: lacegt; [Pump] see [Penguin] [Pump handle] (car) bumperlt; English: bumpergt; [Mortgage] Mortgage, especially a bank loan to purchase a house with property rights as collateral; English: mortgagegt; [Acupressure] A health treatment that uses fingers (palms) to press or tap Methodlt; Day: Refers to the pressure; [咩揸] Major. Also known as: majorgt; English: majorgt; [咩] Madam, Madam, Madam, Miss. Also known as 咩嶸lt; English: madamgt; [Mi] 1. Microphone, microphonelt; English: micgt; 2. Mile, milelt; English: milegt; [ [Microphone] Microphone, microphonelt; English: microphonegt; [Meter] Parking meterlt; English: (parking) metergt; [Mixian] Streptomycinlt ; English: streptomycingt; [Mi paper] Bromide paper, photo printing paperlt; English: bromide papergt; [Wow wow wow] A small boat used to cross the sea in Hong Konglt; English: wallah-wallah, walla-wallagt; [Card] card. Use examples: credit card, business cardlt; English: cardgt; [Star basin] (kitchen) sinklt; English: sinkgt; [Bye] Goodbyelt; English :bye byegt; [科文] foreman, foremanlt; English: foremangt; [Kesao] nightclub show performancelt; English: floor showgt; [Lunchbox] Box lunchlt;Japanese: べんとう(Bento)gt; [飞] Ticketlt;English: faregt; [飞士] Face, face lt; English: facegt; [飞佛] (most) favorite person or thinglt; English: favo(u)ritegt; Ten paintings [Heroin] heroinlt; English: heroingt; [冧] 1. To make one intoxicated (happy, excited, comfortable, numb). Use case: girlfriend. 2. Intoxicated, happy, comfortable, and numb. Usage examples: It seems like a good thing; a love song about hope. 3. Like. Use case: I’m so sorry for you lt; English: numbgt; [冧巴] Number, number. Also used as 冧巴lt; English: number onegt; [冧巴文] 1. First, number one 2. Foreman lt; English: number onegt; [冧巴TU] Second, No. 2lt; English: number twogt; [冧liqueur] rum, (made from sugarcane juice) sugar winelt; English: rumgt; [ Material fee] Fee, handling feelt; Day: Material feegt; [Class] Band. Use example: join a class (organize a band) lt; English: bandgt; [Class] Pancakes. Also used as pancakelt; English: pancakegt; [horse kills chicken] massagelt; English: massagegt; [tea pot] trouble, troublesomelt; English: troublegt; [Buried Immortal] Mycosin lt; English: -mycingt; [Dushu] See [Dongshu] [Lianren] Linenlt; English: linengt; [Cost's soda] Caustic soda, sodium hydroxidelt; English: caustic sodagt; [Golf] Golf balllt; English: golfgt; [chloroform] chloroform, chloroformlt; English: chloroformgt; [Port wine] A red wine originating from Portugal. Also known as Bojiu, Bojiult; English: portgt; [Yan Gao] unclelt; English: unclegt; [Yan Di] auntlt; English: auntiegt; [Shima] Stylish, beautifullt; English: smartgt; [Sha] Signature, signaturelt; English: signgt; [Shaji] Size ,size. Also known as scholarlt; English: sizegt; [ticket] hook number, check number; draw hooklt; English: tickkgt; [Gu] see [谷古] [Dad] Cocktail. Also made as 嗲lt; English: cocktailgt; [bone] quarter of an hour, a quarter. Usage example: one bone (a quarter of an hour) lt; English: quartergt; [Bone Wing] The abbreviation of bone wing, a large thick needle shark fin produced in South Americalt; English: greatgt; [mosquito] (silver) yuanlt; English: moneygt; [Special purchase] special sale, cheap salelt; Japanese: special salegt; [Guinness ] (Produced in Ireland) Dark beerlt; English: Guinnessgt; [Dad] Dadlt; English: daddygt; [Udon] A kind of Japanese noodles, cut noodleslt; Japanese :うどん(饂饨)gt; [Sauna] steam bath, Finnish bath lt; English: saunagt; [一]见[咩揸] Eleven Paintings [Dense Skirt] Ankle-length skirtlt; English: maxiskirtgt; [mixed gel] See [there] [罽罽yan] A program in which radio or television stations answer calls from listeners or viewerslt; English: phone ingt; [Xuefang] A cake that is very soft due to the addition of foaming proteinlt; English: chiffon cakegt ; [Sorbet] Frozen wine-flavored juice, sherbet, sorbet. Also known as sorbet; English: sherbet or French: sorbetgt; [ciguatera] cigar smokelt; English: cigargt; [ciguatera poison] fish botulinum toxin, ciguatera Toxinlt; English: ciguatoxingt; [Salsa] Salsa dancelt; English: salsagt; [Basic] Homosexuallt; English: gaygt; [comb] socket. Usage examples: plug-in comb, universal comblt; English: socketgt; [comb 枎利] see [comb 掞利] [comb] soda, soft drinklt; English: sodagt ; [comb] Comfortable. Also known as shuhult; English: softgt; [shuhuli] soufflé. Also used as Soufflé, Soufflé, Soufflé; French: soufflégt; [Sofa] Sofa; English: Sofagt; [] Tire, car tirelt ; English: tire, tyregt; [broom] supervisor, bosslt; English: supervisororgt; [jelly] jellylt; English: jellygt; [Lashi] Meet [Lashi] [Snake Fruit] Meet [Snake Fruit] [Snake Snake Pig] Social Service Group. Transliteration of the abbreviation of Social Service Grouplt; English: SSGgt; [Beer] pair, vice, doublelt; English: pairgt; [Beer machine] punch; presslt ;English: pressgt; [Beichen] whistle soundlt;English: blastgt; [Beer] baby, childlt;English: babygt; [Bi Ling] Ball bearings. Also known as pearlt; English: bearinggt; [Pear] (produced in the United States and Australia) foreign pearlt; English: peargt; [Poker] Same idea A pair of playing cards, generally refers to playing cardslt; English: pairgt; [Kar] 1. Gurkhas (the main residents of Nepal) 2. Nepali soldiers in the British (or Indian) armylt ;English: Gurkhagt; [Bengzai] A cynical young man who is dissatisfied with social realitylt;English: punkgt; [Bojiu] See [Bojiu] [Benzhu jump] High-altitude bouncing, bungee jumpinglt; English: bungee jumpinggt; [Fu Lu] See [Fu Lu] [偈oil] Lubricating oillt; English: greasegt; [Reference] A hostage kidnapped for ransom. Use examples: meat ginseng (meat ticket), standard ginseng (kidnapping ticket) lt; English: ransomgt; Twelve paintings [Tonic water] A kind of water used for mixing drinks lt; English: tonic watergt; [ cutting chopsticks] (disposable) sanitary chopstickslt; Japanese: cutting chopsticksgt; [cutting price] discounts, reduced priceslt; Japanese: cutting chopsticksgt; p> [Yunina] Meet [It] [Warsaw Bei] Mountain agarwood, wasabi; mountain agarwood puree, wasabi puree (a condiment for eating sashimi) lt; Japanese :わさび(wasabi)gt; [Film] film, filmlt; English: filmgt; [簪] cakelt; English: cakegt; [jilizi] 1. Clutchlt; English: clutchgt; 2. Handle, handlelt; English: gripegt; [] Elevator, lift. Also for hunting lt; English: liftgt; [Force] See [Force] [Strike] Confrontation, competition. Use example: not enough, not enough; English: fightgt; [Bona] a lottery method; English: tombolagt; [blackcurrant] black Gooseberrylt; English: black currantsgt; [Yazhizhu] Artichoke, artichoke. Also known as Crow Treelt; English: (globe) artichokegt; [Tips] Tip; Tiplt; English: tipsgt; [Camera] Camera, video camera; Start shootinglt; English: cameraragt; [gel] levellt; English: Provincial translation of levelgt; [丽丝] see [李士] [唧] Jack, jack, jacklt; English: jackgt; [Throat] Hoses, water hoses. Use examples: hose reel, water pipe lt; English: hosegt; [] 1. Box, package. Usage examples: official, leather lt; English: casegt; 2. Also known as "hat". Cap lt; English: capgt; [Juice] Originally a tomato sauce (a condiment made of ketchup and soy sauce), it now refers to Worcester sauce (British Worcestershire sauce) lt ;English:ketchupgt; [Required bag] Felt handbag or travel baglt;English: carpetbaggt; [F] Stay healthylt;English: keep fitgt; p> [fanshi] Fanatics, admirers, followers. It also means shit, such as: male shit, female shit, fat girl shit. Also known as fanshilt; English: fansgt; [No material] Free, no moneylt; Japanese: No materialgt; [George yarn] Georgette yarnlt; French: crêpe georgettegt; [porridge] jokelt; English: jokegt; [sparse] see [comb] [sparse] see [comb Huli] [Shuli] Sorry. Also used as lock yoult; English: sorrygt; [Guitar] Guitar, six-stringed pianolt; English: guitargt; Thirteen paintings [Gutter] Pursue women. Usage example: ditch girllt; English: courtgt; [Wen] see [辒] [Wen Na] winner, winnerlt; English: winnergt; [Cyclamate] cyclohexyl sulfamate, saccharinlt; English: cyclamategt; [新地] Sundae (ice cream with fruits, nuts or juice on top) ) lt; English: sundaegt; [Tobacco treatment] inch, inchlt; English: inchgt; [Swiss] Sauce; Sauce lt; English: saucegt; p> [斟波] (basketball) jump balllt; English: jump ballgt; [鲁士] Noteslt; English: notesgt; [teriyaki] Braised in soy saucelt; Japanese: Teruo Yakigt; [Special case] See [Chevalier] [AIDS] AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndromelt; English: AIDSgt; p> [爱哥] Meet [Age] [Bojiu] Meet [Port wine] [煲唔] Bow tie, bow tielt; English: bow tiegt; [mother beat] mother lt; English: mothergt; [Mommy] mother lt; English: mammygt; [马生] Entertainment The female foreman or female boss of the establishment. Also known as Mama Sanglt; Day: ママさんgt; Fourteen Paintings [Slimming] Weight Losslt; Day: Slimminggt; [Moshi ] See [Morse] [Miss] Misslt; English: missgt; [Punch] (mixed sweet drink with juice, spices, tea, wine, etc.) lt; English: punchgt; [binji] Banker. Also used as a guest card lt; English: bankergt; [Waffle] Egg custard cake lt; English: wafflegt; [Warrant] Stock option, warrant. Also abbreviated as wheel; English: warrantgt; [Woli] (tennis, football) blocking, flying hit, flying kicklt; English: volleygt; [马真] The store specializes in translation and paperwork for foreigners. Also used as double felt lt; English: merchantgt; [Fashionable] See [Morse] [refute] Make a reservation. Use examples: barge, barge<; English: bookgt; [Carnival] carnivallt; English: carnivalgt; [evaporate] disappear, disappearlt; Japanese: steam gt ; [Sushi] A Japanese snack [Chang] Change (change). Use case: Changqian lt; English: changegt; [Mark] 1. Trademark, brand. Usage examples: mark (trademark; appearance), miscellaneous mark (miscellaneous brand) 2. (in a ball game) nail (person) lt; English: markgt; [士] 见[Shashi] [vitamins] vitamin lt; English: vitaminingt; Fifteen paintings [Modao] Model. Also known as Modu lt; English: modelgt; [Motor] engine, motor lt; English: motororgt; [Moss] custard. Also known as moose, moss, fashionistalt; English: moussegt; [Modern] Fashionlt; English: moderngt; [Photo] Photo, photolt; Japanese: Photo gt; [selling flying Buddha] My (most) favorite person or thinglt; English: my favo(u)ritegt; [wheel] see [warrant] [Tart] 1. Start (machine) lt; English: startgt; 2. Pop tart, small cake. Use example: egg tartlt; English: tartgt; [European and Western] (football) out of boundslt; English: outsidegt; [European] eurolt; English: eurogt; [Auzhizhu] See [Yazhizhu] [Xialu] The actor made a mistake during recording or filming and needed to redo it; English: hard luckgt; [Kick the Rabbit] Men's tuxedo semi-formal evening dress, evening dress, tuxedo. Also used as a kicking trick lt; English: tuxedogt; [噏西] Jian [Qiaxi] [] Mold. Usage examples: French: mold, moldgt; [乐与 Fury] Rock musiclt; English: rock and roll, rock 'n' rollgt; Sixteen paintings [Excited] Gigabit, billionlt; English: giga-gt; [Lama] Alpaca, llama, humpless camellt; English: llamagt; [yan comb] insurancelt; English: insuregt; [yanhu scale sand] influenzalt; English: influenzagt; [Jijia] coat, Jacketlt; English: jacketgt; Seventeen Paintings [gin wine] ginlt; English: gingt; [辒] Passengers and goods Dual purpose vehicle. Use cases: goods, goods. Also known as warm lt; English: vangt; [Yoghurt] yogurt, yogurt lt; English: yogurt / yoghurtgt; [Written] Walkman, small radio cassette player lt; English: walkmangt; Eighteen Paintings [Penguin] Bun. Also used as pumplt; English: bungt; [Transfer family] People who often move or change jobslt; Japanese: Yuqingt; [Lock you] See [Shu Li] ] [Hunting] See[] Twenty Paintings [Sao] Performance, performancelt; English: showgt; [Sao Geli] Show off your skills. Also known as Sao Geli lt; English: show qualificationgt; [Su Fuli] see [Suxury] [老] The provincial name of bowling. Usage example: Ling (playing bowling) lt; English: bowlinggt; [] Flat-bottomed pots, basins, jars and other cooking utensils. Use example: ricelt; English: pangt; Twenty-one paintings [Laser] Laserlt; English: lasergt; [Teppanyaki] Iron BBQ meat Twenty-Two Paintings [Listen to Nice] Tennis lt; English: tennisgt;