clothes without trademarks, washing, tags, etc. belong to three-no products. Without tags, they are usually original, single and high imitation. At the same time, it depends on the reputation of the seller, and it cannot be said whether they are genuine or not. Some cut-off clothes are affected by defects, but for trademark protection, all the signs that can judge the brand are cut off. Generally speaking, there are three signs on clothes: tag, brand label and washing label. Formal clothes have three signs, but just because they have three signs doesn't mean that they are formal clothes. Some clothes have original orders without tags, but there are still many imitations, so consumers need to have good discrimination when buying.
To sum up, there are two points:
1. Clothes with tags are not necessarily genuine or original;
2, imitation clothes will also have a tag;
Trademarks are registered voluntarily by merchants. In order to distinguish their products from similar products, they need to be registered. Registered trademarks can better publicize and protect rights. If you want to develop in the long run, you are advised to register your own trademarks.
trademark registration process:
trademark inquiry (within 2 days) → preparation of application documents (within 3 days) → submission of application (within 2 days) → payment of trademark registration fee → trademark form review (within 1 month) → issuance of trademark acceptance notice → trademark substantive review (within 12 months) → trademark announcement (within 3 months) → issuance of trademark certificate.