1. Trademark authorization, also known as trademark use license, means that the trademark registrant authorizes others to use the registered trademark by signing a trademark use contract and pays a certain royalty to the authorizer.
Trademark use licenses are also divided into three types
1. General trademark use license, a relatively common licensing method, allows the trademark owner to give his trademark to several people practices used.
2. The exclusive use license of a trademark, also known as the exclusive use license of a trademark. After the trademark owner permits others to use the trademark, the trademark owner has no right to use it.
3. Exclusive license to use the trademark. No third party other than the trademark owner and the licensed trademark owner is allowed to use the trademark.
Trademark licensing agreement must be signed after reaching a mutual understanding of the interests. It is necessary to bring the trademark licensing contract and report it to the Trademark Office for filing.
Second, brand authorization can also be called brand licensing. The licensor authorizes the trademark or brand he owns to be used by the licensor in a contractual manner, and pays a certain royalty to the licensor, and at the same time grants Guidance within the scope of business activities is provided to the authorized person. Currently, many chain franchise brands have used this method as the main marketing tool. It can also be said that brand licensing has become an effective method for modern brand extension and market brand promotion, and The market response is booming.
It is indeed easy to confuse the two. A brand needs a trademark, but a trademark is not necessarily a brand. It can also be found that the brand authorization is also based on the general use license of trademark authorization.