Only registered trademarks can be registered on the pledge. For example, if the exclusive right to use a trademark is revoked or the validity period is not renewed, the trademark owner cannot apply for pledge registration. This may require trademark owners to pay attention to safeguarding their trademark rights, actively and legally use registered trademarks, and prevent the loss of trademark rights due to improper use of trademarks.
In many cases, the pledge registration of trademark exclusive right has become a main way to solve the financing problem of companies. In normal business activities, companies should attach importance to brand building and promote brand building through brand building. Brand building can be used to break the traditional application and dare to innovate to further brand value.
The practice of trademark application is also a major factor in evaluating the brand value of trademarks. In the sense of trademark application, trademarks are used for products, product packaging or container and product transactions, as well as commercial activities such as advertisements and exhibitions to identify products.
In order to maintain brand value and corporate image, trademark owners should pay more attention to brand maintenance and persist in cracking down on all infringement of the exclusive right to use registered trademarks.