Which category does trademark registration category 35 belong to? I believe many people are recommended the Class 35 trademark when registering a trademark. What exactly is the Class 35 trademark known as the “universal trademark”? Today Intellectual Property has compiled some information about Class 35 trademarks and introduces to you the “universal” Class 35 trademarks! ! ! Class 35 trademarks are service trademarks, including advertising, business operations, business management, office affairs and other services provided by individuals or organizations, specifically including the following groups:
3501 Advertising
3502 Business administration support industry
3503 Promotion for others
3504 Personnel management support industry
3505 Commercial enterprise relocation
3506 Office affairs
3507 Accounting
3508 Single Service
3509 Drugs, Medical Supplies or Wholesale Services
Which category does Trademark Registration 35 belong to
Class 35 trademarks have become a “defensive category”
In addition to being a major category that all e-commerce and e-sales platforms must register, Class 35 is also a defensive method for many companies. For example, if you registered a Category 43 catering service trademark of "Class A", and "Class A" is very famous, but you did not register the trademark of Category 35, but I registered it, then I can open a restaurant. Supermarkets, stores, and other companies or stores that help others sell products are called "Class A". If I don't sell "Class A" products but sell other products, there is nothing you can do to stop me, then everyone will create something for you. awareness to buy my products.
Frequently Asked Questions: Trademark Classification 2022 Latest Version Pro/
Therefore, regardless of whether they have related services or not, in order to avoid infringement by others, many companies will register their trademarks in one more category, otherwise they will There is a risk of infringement or being infringed, causing unnecessary economic losses and negative impact on the brand.
The above is the content of "Which categories belong to the 35 categories of trademark registration" introduced by Intellectual Property Rights. In summary, we can see the importance of the 35 categories of trademarks.