What kind of trademark does the helmet belong to?
the safety helmet belongs to 919 safety rescue apparatus in Class 9 of the trademark. What kind of trademark does the helmet belong to? The similar groups of the helmet are: personal accident prevention device 94, accident prevention, radiation protection and fire protection clothing 95, asbestos gloves 934 for accident prevention, fireproof asbestos cotton clothing 935, anti-glare glasses 946, shading baffle 947, anti-glare cover 947, pilot protective clothing 97 and pilot safety clothing. Protective cap 9112, safety helmet 9112, respirator for non-artificial respiration 9113, breathing mask for non-artificial respiration 9113, helmet for welding 9114, diving suit 9162, fire escape 925, protective mask for workers 921, Mars protective cover 9245, safety equipment for railway traffic 9254, accident prevention. Safety net 926, tarpaulin for rescue 9261, breathing mask filter 9263, gloves for accident prevention 9274, diver gloves 9275, industrial X-ray gloves 9276, fire-proof clothing 9288, fire-proof clothing 9288, life-saving equipment and equipment 9295, protective mask *9338, safety mask. Oxygen dump device 9377, diving earplug 941, fire suit 9413, tooth protector 9414, non-medical X-ray protection device 9422, air filter respirator 943, breathing device except artificial respiration 9431, life buoy 9517, life jacket 9546, life belt 9547, bulletproof vest 9. Knee pads for workers 965, safety belts (for non-vehicle seats and sports equipment) 9621, safety belts for non-vehicle seats and sports equipment 9621, fire blankets 9638, shoes for accident prevention, radiation protection and fire prevention 9645, goggles for sports 9654, nose clips for diving and swimming 9655, and protective helmets for sports 9655. Acid-proof gloves C9113, acid-proof clothes and skirts C9114, goggles C9115, waterproof clothes C9116, acid-proof rubber shoes C9117, and fire-proof boots (shoes) C9118.