There is a watermark written by MK on the wrapping paper of genuine MK packaging, but there is generally no watermark on the fake packaging.
The dust-proof bag of genuine MK bag is exquisite in workmanship and the car line is very neat.
The rivet position under the handle of genuine MK bag is in the middle position, and the direction of the groove on the rivet is the same (as shown in the figure), but the rivet position of high imitation MK bag will be slightly deviated.
The label of authentic MK package is shown below, and the red circle shows the name of overseas purchasing store.
The most important thing is that the material of genuine MK bag is soft and comfortable. The fake MK bag feels hard and is not easy to recover after deformation.
The purchase receipt of the true and false MK package is attached below for your reference. The real receipt is clear, with store information and discount information; Fake receipts are mostly photocopies, with unclear handwriting and no details such as discounts and barcodes.