the international classification of goods and services for trademark registration divides goods and services into 45 categories, which are used for classification and classification during trademark registration. Among them, the 35th category is a specific classification, covering business, advertising and office related services.
Class 35 trademark registration is applicable to the following types of goods and services:
- Advertising and commercial services: including advertising agency, advertising promotion, advertising design, business management, business information and investigation, etc.
- retail and wholesale services: including retail stores, online stores, wholesalers and distributors.
- business management and office services: including business consulting, business development, business management consulting, business information and data processing, etc.
- marketing and promotion services: including market research, marketing consultation, marketing promotion and marketing planning.
- business contact and business agency services: including business contact, business agency and business intermediary.
The above contents are carefully compiled by Pig Bajie. com, hoping to help you.