Wedding banquets and banquets are inseparable from wine. In their spare time, the elders like to get together and drink liquor. The market for wine is quite huge, and in order to open up the market and enhance brand awareness, wine suppliers usually choose to register a trademark
or purchase a trademark to obtain a favorite trademark. So, do you know which trademark category liquor belongs to?
Trademark Encyclopedia found that liquor belongs to Category 33 of wine and alcoholic beverages. There is only one group in this category: 3301-alcoholic beverages (excluding beer):
Liquor trademarks belong to trademark class 33:
Liquor 330037
Rice wine 330032,
Rum 330033
Vodka 330034
Cocktail 330010
Wine 330013
Fruit wine (Containing alcohol) 330002
Highland barley wine C330003
Yellow wine C330004
Edible alcohol C330006
Soju C330007
Coffee liqueurs, wine-based beverages, rosé wine, natural sparkling wine, dry ciders, alcoholic fruit cocktail drinks, distilled rice wine (awamori), rum (alcoholic beverages), sorghum wine, grappa , fruit wine, eleuthero wine, alcoholic fruit drinks, white wine, table wine, ouzo, bourbon, still wine, strawberry wine, vermouth, red wine, mixed whiskey, fortified wine, Mulled wine, spirits, sherry, wine-based aperitifs, cherry brandy, sangria, cordials, grape wine, sparkling white wine, plum wine, cream liqueur, fruit sparkling wine, pineapple wine Leaf wine, Japanese plum wine, alcoholic eggnog, malt whiskey, alcoholic beverages other than beer.