This is the most important part of choosing a bag. There are many kinds of materials for making bags now, such as cloth, PU, leather and so on. The material of the cloth is easy to judge, and the difference in quality can be felt through the feel; Leather is mainly leather and PU leather. At present, most of the subcontracts are PU leather fabrics, that is, a layer of PU is stuck on an already thin layer of leather, which feels good and shiny. But the label still indicates the use of cowhide or sheepskin. In fact, this kind of fabric is good, feels like leather, and is not as expensive, dirty and durable as leather.
Second, it can be judged from the workmanship.
Compared with other sewing materials, the fabric of the bag is much thicker and harder, and it also has a certain shape and three-dimensional effect, so the sewing requirements for the bag are very high. To see if the sewing of the bag is fine, we usually start with the details, such as whether there is any excess outside the edge, especially whether there is any kink in the sewing of the hand strap inside the bag. This process requires skill and physical strength. The easiest way is to pull the zipper several times to see if it is smooth. If it is not smooth, it means that the bag is a little twisted. If the zipper is squeezed into the lining, it is not good workmanship. In addition, after the bag is opened, the lining should be close to the fabric, and the internal space should be clear at a glance, corresponding to the size of the bag body. If not, it means that the workmanship of the bag is not very good.
Third, it can be seen from the hardware accessories.
Every bag must have some hardware accessories, the most common one is zipper. The hardware fittings on the bag with good quality are very bright, and the hardware fittings with poor quality look only rough electroplating, no polishing, unsmooth surface and impure color. Other decorations, such as diamonds, are strong and the color is wrong. Good hardware fittings and some metal trademarks are polished after electroplating in fine steel, which is not easy to oxidize and rust.