The trademark registration number refers to the trademark registration certificate directly issued by the Trademark Office, and the number in the upper right corner of the trademark registration certificate is the trademark registration number. You can log on to the websites of People's Republic of China (PRC) Trademark Office and State Administration for Industry and Commerce to inquire, enter the trademark inquiry interface, and follow the relevant text prompts. You can choose comprehensive query or status query to view trademark information. Entrust a regular trademark agency filed by the State Trademark Office to inquire about the trademark registration number. You can directly submit an application for trademark inquiry to the Trademark Office.
the trademark law of the people's republic of china
Article 4
If a natural person, legal person or other organization needs to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark for its goods or services in production and business activities, it shall apply to the Trademark Office for trademark registration. The application for registration of a malicious trademark that is not intended to be used shall be rejected.
The provisions of this Law on commodity trademarks shall apply to service trademarks. Article 5
Two or more natural persons, legal persons or other organizations may apply to the Trademark Office for registration of the same trademark and jointly enjoy and exercise the exclusive right to use the trademark.