Derived from the word handwritten letters. Calligraphy, an ancient title, first appeared in the Zhou Dynasty, Zuo Zhuan? In the twenty-four years of Zhuang Gong, it is recorded that men are rich in jade and silk, teenagers are rich in birds, and women are rich in ornaments, but chestnuts and dates are rich to show piety. In the Zhou Dynasty, foreign friends had to bring gifts. Don't need too many gifts, a pile of bacon in summer and a pheasant in winter; The doctor is a wild bird, and Qing is a lamb, depending on my level.
The gift for teachers and tuition is called Ji Jing. A goose, a bag of dates, although the gift is light, it is a family affection. Until today, guests who meet for the first time always send some "personal letters" symbolically when they visit and meet old friends who have been away for many years: a few pounds of fruit, one or two packets of sugar, a box of snacks, at least a bunch of flowers and a feather.
These complimentary gifts are often called "personal letters". When visiting relatives and friends, New Year's greetings or farewell dinner, people often bring small gifts to express their deep feelings. Throughout the ages, generations have lived side by side. During the Spring Festival, people will go home to pay New Year greetings, visit relatives and friends and say goodbye. They often bring gifts to express their deep feelings.
Today's ceremony
Nowadays, the word "calligraphy" is mostly used in Fujian, Guangdong and other regions, but it refers to local native products and tourist souvenirs. In Taiwan Province Province, it is customary to call it a hand-holding ceremony, which means the same as a hand-holding ceremony. However, it broke through the category of traditional local products in form, and embodied more culture, creativity and personality on the basis of practicality. At present, the word handy gift has been formally applied for trademark registration by 5000 Shuangcheng Trading (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and has become a proper term in the ritual industry.
At present, the biggest consumer of gifts is enterprise users. Protecting old customers, getting to know new customers, increasing mutual understanding and deepening the feelings of both sides, a practical, cultural, creative and personalized small gift is a light and emotional gift. The appearance of handy ceremony is to reflect this meaning and solve the problem of maintaining customers in enterprises. Of course, casual gifts between friends will not increase each other's burden, but this small gift is a continuation of friendship.