In the process of trademark registration, Chinese and English can usually be used at the same time.
1.** Trademark application name: * * The trademark name in the trademark registration application can include both Chinese and English to ensure the corresponding language coverage.
2.** Trademark graphics: * * If the trademark graphics contain words, both Chinese and English can be used to cover a wider international market.
3.** Document submission: * * The text, description or statement in the trademark registration document can be used in both Chinese and English to meet the language requirements of different jurisdictions.
4.** Requirements of the Trademark Registration Office: * * The Trademark Registration Office may require translation documents in Chinese or English to ensure accurate understanding and examination of the application materials.
In international trademark registration, it is often necessary to provide multilingual versions of trademark information to meet the language requirements of different countries and regions.
Therefore, it is common to use both Chinese and English in the process of trademark registration, but appropriate adjustments and preparations should be made according to the relevant laws and regulations and the requirements of the Trademark Registration Bureau.
The above contents are carefully compiled by Pig Bajie. com, hoping to help you.