As a very popular shoe model in the aj series, AJ1 has a lot of fakes. Many friends are not paying attention when purchasing, or do not have any professional knowledge about sneakers, and it is easy to buy fakes. Authentic and fake shoes not only affect the performance of the shoes, but also affect the value of the shoes.
1. Before the genuine aj is packaged, the shoelaces will only be tied through the two front holes. If after unpacking it is found that the shoelaces are worn through more than two holes, or there are cross threads, it proves that there is a fake. possible.
2. The toe of genuine aj is relatively wide and does not look so compact.
3. Look at the junction of the two colors of the aj midsole and outsole. Genuine shoes will be very neatly made, while fake shoes often have color bleeds.
4. Look at the tongue. The color of the tongue of genuine shoes is mostly pure white, while the tongue of fake shoes is milky white.
5. Look at the "Air Jordan" logo on the upper. The letters "R" and "D" on genuine shoe labels are connected, and the surrounding printing will not bleed into the logo font. Fake shoes are on the contrary. If you look closely, the two letters are separated, and the surrounding printing ink will more or less penetrate into the font of the logo. This is the gap between machines and technology, so it is difficult for fake shoes to be that good. .
In addition, there is the following statement about the embossed flying wings
There is a well-known identification method in the AJ circle, which is the letter "R" and the letter "D" of the real AJ. connected, while fake AJ is separate. However, sometimes fakes notice this too. Comparing the real and fake AJs side by side (gray, real, red and fake), you will find that the logo craftsmanship of this fake AJ is actually quite good. The pattern of the fake AJ is completely correct, but the logo of the real AJ is embossed deeper, which is what fakes have done. It is indeed difficult to tell the authenticity from the fake; but if you look more carefully, you will find that the genuine AJ The fake AJ's RD connection is still different. The genuine one on the left has a small and straight connection, while the "legs" of the imitation R on the right are equally thick from top to bottom. In addition, the authentic logo has clean edges and clear color lines. The edges of the imitation logo are stained with ink, creating a "burr" effect.
6. Look at the big hook on Nike’s logo. The edges of the large hooks of authentic shoes are neatly cut and the leather is very good. On the other hand, you will see a lot of burrs on the edges of the large hooks with fake shoe logos, and there will be many wrinkles on the leather of the large hooks.
7. The font on the Nike shoe box is of natural thickness, and the font size looks very harmonious. The real barcode has only two thicknesses of lines, and there is no possibility of a third size of line.
8. Look at the NIKE logo on the sole of the shoe
The correct NIKE logo has the following characteristics: the upper end of K touches E, and the lower end is connected to E. The beginning and end of the hook shape are relatively pointed. The red fakes obviously have the wrong NIKE logo. Not only do the letter characteristics not match, but the width of the letters is also too narrow. The check hooks are rounder at the beginning and end, and I don’t know who caught them. The soles of fake shoes are too shiny and have a reflective effect, which is not the case with genuine shoes.
9. Look at the woven label on the tongue of the shoe.
There is a woven label on the tongue of the shoe, with the NIKE logo on one side of the label. It’s strange that NIKE likes to add two to the logo here, but this is a typical feature of genuine products. If there is not one or only one, it is fake. This woven label folds over from the tongue, and on the other side, the trademark information is written in English and French. The black one is real, but the font of the imitation is wrong, and there is stitching on the folded part of the label on the imitation, but there is no stitching on the original.
OK, there are so many ways to identify AJ1, friends, you also know which methods can leave a message in the comment area!