mark English?[mɑ?k]???American?[mɑ?rk]??
As a name: the English form of the Latin name Marcus, derived from Roman mythology The name of Mars, the god of war, means "of the god of war".
n.? mark; trace; score; trademark; v.? stain; score; note; mark
Past tense:?marked?Past participle:?marked?present Participle:?marking?Third person singular:?marks
Word collocations
bear marks of have... traces leave mark leave traces
make a mark make a mark make one's mark famous
Extended information:
Usage of mark
Usage of words
n. (noun)
< p>1. When mark is interpreted as "traces, stains, spots", it refers to small spots or damaged parts on the surface of things.2. When mark is used as "score, grade symbol", it refers to the score of a certain subject or the grade represented by letters. It is often paired with for [in] to express "score". The verb commonly used is get [gain]. 〕.
3. When mark is used as an uncountable noun, it is interpreted as "reputation, impression, influence". It can be used with possessive pronouns, but cannot be used with the article a or the.
4. Mark can also be used as a "mark, indicating the characteristics of...".
v. (verb)
5. The basic meaning of mark is to "leave traces, mark, mark, score on...", and the extension can be interpreted as "showing".
6. Mark can be used as a transitive verb or an intransitive verb. When used as a transitive verb, it can be connected to a noun, pronoun, interrogative clause as the object, or it can be connected to an adjective as a compound object of a complement, and can be used in passive structures. When used as an intransitive verb, the active form sometimes has a passive meaning.