There should be no wholesale clause in the contract he signed with you.
Now every small factory makes a brand, and even a factory makes N brands. Then engage in monopoly and join in. When everyone is ready, help him make small cards into big cards. It's none of his business that he screwed up. Anyway, the money was received.
So joining depends on what brand effect you have at home and what service support you can give. Worth joining Nike, kappa or something. Change it to "What a good puppy" "&; % @ # @ "inexplicable brand, I will never join. Go to the trademark transfer network to buy a junk trademark. I can still be a brand myself, why should I join?
You see, if it still sells well and makes money, keep selling. If it doesn't sell well, see if there is room for negotiation on the return. However, I think it is generally non-refundable. There is no reason to spit out the fat in your mouth.