Meat belongs to Group 291, Category 29 of the trademark classification; According to the statistics of signpost network, there are 143 registered meat trademarks. How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. There are 56 registered trademarks (meat, group number: 295), accounting for 3.99%. 2. There are 56 registered trademarks (meat, group number: 294), accounting for 3.99%. 3. There are 56 trademarks in the group number: 297), accounting for 3.99% of the registered trademarks. 5. There are 56 trademarks in the category of choosing to register (Egg, group number: 296), and < P > the registered trademark accounts for 3.99%. 6. There are 56 trademarks in the category of choosing to register (Meat, group number: 291), accounting for the registered trademark.
the registration rate is 3.99%. 8. There are 56 trademarks that choose to register (meat, group number: 293), accounting for 3.99%. 9. There are 56 trademarks that choose to register (meat, group number: 298), accounting for 3.99%. 1.