Introduction to x86:
X86 refers to a series of backward compatible CPU instruction set architectures based on Intel8086. The earliest 8086 processor was 16-bit microprocessor introduced by Intel in 1978. In the early days, Intel named processors in digital formats such as 80x86, including Intel8086, 80 186, 80286, 80386 and 80486. Because it ends with "86", its architecture is called "x86". Because numbers can't be used as registered trademarks, both Intel and its competitors use registrable names in the new generation of processors, such as Pentium, Core and Ruilong (introduced by AMD).
The 32-bit architecture of x86 is also commonly known as IA-32, and its full name is "IntelArchitecture, 32-bit". Its 64-bit architecture was first introduced by AMD and called "AMD64". Later, it was also adopted by Intel and called "Intel64". Also known as "x86-64" and "x64".
In 2002, due to the length of 32-bit features, x86 architecture began to reach some design limits. This makes it difficult to deal with a large amount of information stored above 4GB, such as information that can be found in databases or movie editing.
A method to check how many digits are in win 10;
1. Right-click this computer and select Properties. No, this computer? View: w 10 where is my computer;
2. Check the system type. 64-bit operating system means 64-bit, and 32-bit operating system means 32-bit.
Check how many bits win 10 has. Method 2:
1. use win+R to call up Run (Win key is between ctrl and alt), or right-click the start icon, select Run, enter dxdiag and confirm;
2. Open the DirectX diagnostic tool in the System tab. Check the operating system and explain the version and digits of windows 10 in detail.
X86 of win 10 system stands for 32-bit system and x64 stands for 64-bit system. The difference between them is that 32 bits can only identify memory chips below 4G, while 64 bits can identify memory chips above 4G.